USE GAMES TO GET KIDS Fall in Love with Reading

USE GAMES TO GET KIDS Fall in Love with Reading

Reading Development + Games

Board Game + Education

Board Games

about our founder

Máté Lencse

Máté Lencse

Máté Lencse

Máté Lencse earned his degree in pedagogy in 2010 and completed a doctoral program in educational sciences in 2013. Since then, he has been actively engaged in modern board games and their pedagogical applications.

In 2012, he founded an educational program for disadvantaged children and young people in a small borderland village, which he led for over 12 years. Today, he remains involved as a volunteer.

Over the years, he has delivered nearly 100 lectures, workshops, and training sessions across Hungary, reaching approximately 2,000 professionals and enthusiasts. Currently, he runs two accredited teacher training programs in an e-learning format.

He has authored more than 20 publications on the subject, the most significant being a comprehensive book on board game pedagogy, co-written with József Jesztl, which has been downloaded over 6,000 times.

In addition to his academic and pedagogical work, he has over 20 published board games and board game-related books, with nearly 50,000 copies sold commercially.

"Playing is a fundamental state, both for children and adults. Board games, more structured than our everyday games, often make us think of them as colorful, boxed, and expensive. Yet a board game can be as simple as three cards or a single dice. Anything, in fact, can become a game with the right attitude and a bit of knowledge. This is what we aim to help with at PlayWise. We reveal the naturally occurring gaming opportunities around us and invite you to 'gamify' your world, all while guiding you through the vast existing universe of board games."

Máté Lencse