Print and Play Board Games
Print and play games offer a versatile and convenient way to enjoy tabletop gaming. These downloadable board games can be a great option for those looking for affordable and customizable gaming experiences. Whether you're in search of downloadable board games to enjoy with friends and family or exploring DIY board games for a unique twist, our website provides a variety of options.
On this page, we want to focus on print and play board games. As you can see, alternative approaches are important to us, which is why we have written about games that require almost nothing, and we consider the print and play format an important way to publish board games. We would like to introduce some games we have tried and loved, but we are also working on our own board game designs for you.
Lajka (Máté Lencse)
Lajka (2020)
Producers (Máté Lencse)

"My very first game idea. Unfortunately, even though two hungarian and one international publisher showed interest, it never got published. Nevertheless, I owe it a lot. It helped me establish connections and made me start considering myself a game designer. It won't be published anymore. I might use some elements from the idea in the future, but I'm no longer preoccupied with releasing it, so I thought I'd share it here in a print and play format. Therefore, the game can be freely downloaded from here, you'll just need 12 dice and a bit of printing and cutting."
Zsofi Lang's illustrations
2-4 players, 40-50 min, 10+
Objective of the game
In order to make a successful production, at least one crew card (with the highest possible value) from each category has to be gathered during the game. The value of the cards gained, the value of the unused influence and the bonus points after the commitments make up the final points.

Zsofi Lang's illustrations
Game test