Kitten Coloring Pages
Coloring activities offer great fun for several age groups and they develop skills like hand strength and fine motor skills, too. Here's a great selection of coloring pages with kitten characters.
Let's add a PlayWise twist that goes beyond coloring! This page helps you to create
a fun gaming activity for your kids or students
your own coloring page with AI - have you ever thought of printing and coloring your child's dream last night?
But just as coloring isn't only for children, neither is playing; the ideas and coloring pages on the site also cater to adults.
Kitten Coloring Pages for Preschoolers
In preschool, children begin to show interest in coloring, but it's important that they receive coloring pages appropriate for their age. Due to their level of fine motor skills, tool use, and surface filling, they need simple images.
Cat Toy
Who wouldn't want to be a cat for a little while? To lounge around all day and occasionally play lazily with a ball of yarn.
Print this page for everyone.
You need a classic six-sided die.
And you'll need colored markers, pencils, crayons—whatever you like to color with.
How to play:
The goal is to be the first to completely color your yarn ball.
There will be one player as the timer and another as the colorer.
The timer takes the die and starts rolling it quickly. The colorer can keep coloring until the dice roller reaches a total of 24, which could be in as few as four rolls, but it's more likely that you'll have more time.
The coloring rules require you to stay within the lines and progress segment by segment, so you can’t color over the frame of the yarn. You’ll need to be precise but quick with your coloring.
You can use any colors you like, even multiple ones.
How to win
The first person to fully color their yarn ball wins.

The Yarn Ball
Kitten Coloring Pages for Schoolers
For school-aged children, details in coloring pages can and should be more intricate. This is because a too-simple coloring page is no longer challenging enough, and thus not motivating enough for them.
Kitten Coloring Pages for Advanced Colorists
Coloring isn't just an activity for young children. It's a hobby enjoyed by teenagers, young adults, and the elderly alike. We thought you might also appreciate some more artistic, detailed coloring pages.
From the internet
The coloring pages are designed for the youngest ones, so you can expect very cute cats.
You can find a plethora of coloring pages on this site, ranging from simple cats to the most realistic ones, and there are also tips provided for coloring.
Both children and adults can enjoy browsing the site, as it offers everything from simple coloring pages to those with artistic, detailed designs.
Here you can find cats in every situation: washing, sleeping, playing, eating, and even a cat reading a newspaper.
Here, you'll find more than just cats; you can choose from a variety of feline species.
Draw your own with AI tools!
These kitten coloring pages above were created by Dall-E, an AI image generator. Did you know you also can do this? Here's exactly what we asked it to do:
"We would like to request some cat-themed coloring pages from you. The cat should be the focal point and should not be cut off at the edges of the image. It should be in a room, playing with something. It doesn't need to be very detailed, as it is intended for 6-8 year olds. Since this is a coloring page, it's important that it be in black and white, without any colors, just thin outlines so that it can be printed using minimal ink. Thanks!"
It's important to phrase the requests precisely. We emphasized that these would be coloring pages, so we asked for no colors, just outlines in black and white, in a printable format. Occasionally, we had to ask for a redraw, but overall, we are happy with the results. We hope you are too! Feel free to use these or generate your own coloring pages. We recommend our game rule ideas for any coloring page!
Oh, and where is Dall-E exactly? It's available in ChatGPT which you can sign up for here.
Coloring pages from PlayWise
We plan to create our own coloring pages with some of our favorite artists. Which of the following themes do you look for most when it comes to coloring pages?
"girly" themes
hello kitty