New Card Game

New Card Game

New Card Game

Sep 27, 24

Sep 27, 24

Máté Lencse

Máté Lencse

My latest board game has been released, and if I’m not mistaken, this is the thirteenth one. (I’m not counting the three board game books and the commissioned development projects here.)

Pilvax is a card game featuring portraits of 9 renowned Hungarian poets, illustrated by Kornél Rátkai. This isn’t primarily a literary game—though there is a game variation that involves recognizing quotes. The poets’ portraits serve more as an atmospheric backdrop for what is essentially an abstract game.

In an earlier version of the game, the cards featured painters, and we originally planned to release it as a self-published project. However, that project fell through, so I took the idea to my usual publisher. They liked it, but since they are a literary publisher, the painters were quickly replaced by poets.

I really enjoyed working on this game; we tested it a lot and with great enthusiasm. I’m happy that it’s finally on the shelves, and I hope many people will love it!