USE GAMES TO GET KIDS Fall in Love with Reading

USE GAMES TO GET KIDS Fall in Love with Reading

Reading Development + Games

Board Game + Education

Board Games

Robin and the Secret Recipe Book

Robin and the Secret Recipe Book

Robin and the Secret Recipe Book

Mar 28, 2024

Mar 28, 2024

Máté Lencse

Máté Lencse

My March turned out to be really exciting, as another one of my games was released after Kiwi. I was commissioned to design a board game based on the story of a wonderful fairy tale book, also available in English. Since 2018, my board games related to fairy tales have been published, so I eagerly threw myself into the task.

I had the chance to read the fairy tale book in manuscript form, selected three parts I thought would make for a great game, and made the initial sketches. Eventually, a cooperative game concept was chosen. The game is recommended for ages 5 and up, with a playing time of about 15 minutes.

Players together control three good characters, trying to hide the Secret Recipe Book in new places time and again. The threat is represented by an evil goblin, whose movements I automated using dice. An interesting aspect of the game is deciding which of the three locations the evil goblin will go to, but this only requires approximate planning. Success requires collective thinking as well as luck.

The illustrations are wonderful, and I was very pleased to have the opportunity to work with Dorottya Szert-Szabó, something I've long wished for. And it's not just that the outcome is beautiful; the collaboration was smooth as well, which means a lot!

I really enjoyed designing and developing the game because my daughter was actively involved from the beginning, brainstorming and testing with me; I can already envision us creating a board game together someday.

Although the game was released in Hungary, the gameplay is language-independent, with English rules included in the box. The fairy tale book that the game is based on is also available in English, so I am very hopeful that this wonderful fairy tale universe, of which this board game is a small part, will reach many places.